
Babel Obfuscator is available on Windows as an MSI installer package and on Linux and Mac OS as a dotnet CLI tool

Windows MSI Installer

To install Babel Obfuscator, launch the babel setup MSI installer. This package will guide you through the installation process.

Once the setup has completed the installation, you can access CLI babel from a PowerShell or DOS by entering in PowerShell or a DOS window:

> babel

The setup will also install the Babel Obfuscator User Interface which can be launched from the Windows Start menu.

Troubleshooting Installer Errors

If you have any issues installing the Babel Obfuscator setup, you can create an installation log to get more information about the issue.

The most used logging command is /L*V. This command will create a verbose log that offers much information about the installation. Here are the steps for creating a log:

  1. Find out the path of the Babel setup MSI file, for example, C:\Temp\babel_10.0.0.0.msi

  2. Decide the path of the log, for example, C:\Temp\installer.log

  3. Open a DOS shell cmd.exe or a PowerShell window

  4. Use the msiexec.exe command line to launch the MSI with logging parameters

Install Log

To create an installation log, enter the command line:

msiexec /i "C:\Temp\babel_10.0.0.0.msi" /L*V "C:\log\installer.log"

Babel NuGet Packages

With the purchase of one of the Babel Licensing software editions, you received several NuGet packages containing the Babel Obfuscator and Babel Licensing CLI tools for dotnet:



This package allows using Babel Obfuscator in any .NET project to obfuscate the build target


Babel Obfuscator dotnet CLI tool


Babel Licensing dotnet CLI tool


Babel Licensing components

These NuGet packages are not available on the public NuGet repository. To use them in your projects, you need to install them on your private NuGet feeds or your local machine.

There are several NuGet private feeds available:

If you don't have a private NuGet feed, you can create one on your local machine.

Regardless your packages are hosted on a server or your local machine, you can access them using the nuget CLI tool or Visual Studio.

Create a Local NuGet Feed Using dotnet

If you have installed Visual Studio or dotnet SDK, you can access NuGet directly from the dotnet CLI tool. Now you have to decide where to store your packages on your local machine. For this example, we will create the folder NuGet under the user Documents folder. If you are on Linux or Mac OS, you can create the folder under the user home directory ~/NuGet.

You can add the packages to your local feed using dotnet nuget add command.

Windows PowerShell or DOS shell:

dotnet nuget add source %UserProfile%\Documents\NuGet

Linux or Mac OS:

dotnet nuget add source ~/NuGet

The dotnet tool should report that the package was successfully added, and you can now access your packages through the dotnet command.

Create a Local NuGet Feed Using Visual Studio

To install the NuGet package in your local machine, open Visual Studio and from the Tools menu select Options. In the Options panel, search for NuGet and select the Package Sources node under the NuGet Package Manager tree item.

Press the button with the plus icon and enter the Name field Babel and the Source field the full path to the folder containing the Babel Obfuscator NuGet package files. Press the OK button.

To reference Babel.Obfuscator NuGet package. In the Solution Explorer right click your project file. Select Manage NuGet Packages…

Select your newly added Babel package source in the Package source combo box, then Install the Babel.Obfuscator package.

Copy your license file babel.licenses in the solution folder and rebuild the solution.

Installing Babel CLI dotnet Tool

Once the Babel NuGet packages are in your local NuGet repository, you can install the CLI tools using dotnet tool install command.

Install Babel Obfuscator CLI tool babel:

dotnet tool install Babel.Obfuscator.Tool -g

Install Babel Licensing CLI tool lic:

dotnet tool install Babel.Licensing.Tool -g

To show the versions of the dotnet tool installed, use the following command:

dotnet tool list -g

Package Id                 Version      Commands
babel.licensing.tool       10.0.0       lic     
babel.obfuscator.tool      10.0.0       babel   

Update Babel CLI dotnet Tool

To update Babel Obfuscator CLI tool babel, run in your terminal:

dotnet tool update Babel.Obfuscator.Tool -g

To update Babel Licensing CLI tool lic, run in your terminal:

dotnet tool update Babel.Licensing.Tool -g

Uninstalling Babel CLI dotnet Tool

To remove Babel Obfuscator CLI tool babel, run in your terminal:

dotnet tool uninstall Babel.Obfuscator.Tool -g

To remove Babel Licensing CLI tool lic, run in your terminal:

dotnet tool uninstall Babel.Licensing.Tool -g

Last updated